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Why You Need A Media Kit As An Influencer

If you're an influencer or content creator and you're yet to have a media kit for your brand, then this guide will get you started!

October 2022

While a media kit can be a necessary tool for brands, it's the cornerstone of an influencer. It is one of the first things that you need to have in order to jump from barter deals to paid collaborations, and if you don’t know where to start, we have designed one for you at the bottom of the article.

The media kit is the one element that will ensure you stand out from other creators in the marketplace. However, you're not alone if this is your first time hearing of a media kit.

You need to have a pretty good understanding of what a media kit is and how to create one. With this tool, you can better market your services to your ideal clients without sweating.

But before we delve into the nitty-gritty of a media kit, you need to know what it is and the various components. So read on!

What Is A Media Kit?

Media kits have become an object of confusion to numerous brands and professionals since there are no set formulas. Instead, a media kit can promote any aspect of business you might feel is most important to talk about.

The format of your media kit may vary. For example, you could decide to build a sub-domain or convert it to a PDF file. However, brands often prefer a PDF document since it's easy to print out for in-person meetings.

There's often a debate about the ideal number of pages a media kit should have. Just as brands are different, so will the pages of your media kit. It can range from 2 pages to over 15 pages or more.

Bear in mind, however, that the purpose is to promote what you do to a potential client or customer. So, having known that, let's look at things found inside a media kit.

The Components To Include In Your Media Kit:

1. Your picture + Short bio

First, you need to introduce yourself and your brand, and you can do so by working closely with a copywriter who understands your target clients. In addition, your graphic designer should be around to ensure the media kit design reflects your brand. 

This is your chance to tell your potential client who you are, what you do, and your brand's purpose. A good tip is to start with a story. We are all wired to love a good story, and special areas in our brain are immediately activated. So never be afraid to share a story, especially if it is personal to connect with your client.

2. Following + Demographics

Numbers matter, and it's one criteria a client will use to assess your potential as an influencer. So include your follower count on social media platforms you're the most active on, and ensure you highlight your milestones to show how far you've come.

As they advance through your media kit, your client also needs to know who your audience is. They want to make sure your followers are their ideal target market. Your audience demographics are the percentage of females vs. males, the different age groups your content attracts, and their location.

For instance, your audience could be millennials who run a business and live in Sweden. Or perhaps, teenagers in the United States who love to hike. The more you know your ideal audience, the better your media kit.

3. Collaboration Options

Here is where you show your potential client the services you offer. That way, they can know what to expect working with you. That's why you need a media kit, cause it will disclose samples of post formats that worked.

Here are some of the examples:

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Social Post
  • Account Take-Over
  • Product Photography
  • Brand Ambassadorship
  • Shout-outs, etc.

As an influencer, you want to show that you can drive engagement. So feel free to feature past posts that have performed incredibly well. The more numbers you can throw around, the more compelling your media kit will be.

If there are other kinds of services that you enjoy doing, such as branding, web design, or even creating media kits, you have an opportunity also to disclose them in this section. Cause who knows, they might require your other services.

4. Mention Notable Clients + Testimonials

As an influencer, you want to prove that you've got experience - that you've created connections in time past, and it was a huge success. If you've worked with some companies or organizations, this is your time to give them an honorable mention.

Don't be shy to drop reviews from these past clients, as they help convince potential clients that you're the real deal. Sometimes, the only thing stopping them from sealing the deal is doubt, especially for brands that are still pretty new in the market.

To get a potential client off the fence, you leverage your past clients to get them on board. And that is through mentions and testimonials of your excellent work.

5. Packages And Rates

Not all influencers are good at discussing money. It can be somewhat draining for most when they indulge in the monetary aspect of their passion. But with a media kit, you give your clients an idea of how much to budget for influencer marketing.

A way to go is to list your service with minimum estimation and the expected results. Your aim should be to give a fair rate that corresponds to the value of your services. When you're paid for what you're worth, it goes a long way to improve your overall relationship with your client.

6. Contact information

When your client is ready to proceed, they will need a number to call, an email address, and probably an office location, if any. This is often on the back page of your media kit and should have clear instructions for getting in touch.

Your goal is to make contacting you as easy as possible. Your future clients don't need to solve mysterious puzzles before getting through. Most influencers prefer to build a dedicated contact page with a contact form. That way, potential clients can send a quick email without hassles.

The Design Of Your Media Kit

The design of your media kit is another crucial element, and all you need to do is follow your brand guidelines closely. You don't need to do this alone, as you can work with your graphic designer who knows how to create appealing designs.

If you're like most influencers who love a bit of a challenge, you could try creating a media kit yourself using templates as inspiration. Once you’re done, you could hand it over to your designer for some finishing touches.

But if you prefer to do things for yourself, we've created a media kit for you to inspire your creation. Feel free to play around with it, add your pictures & download it. Then send it to brands you want to work with! To download your media kit template, subscribe to our newsletter for free.

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