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See Why GroupM Loves Working With Gigapay

GroupM is the world's leading media investment company, and a while ago, we wanted to learn how Gigapay has helped them reach their goals.

October 2022
Case Study

GroupM is the world's leading media investment company, and a while ago, we connected with Camilla Sandström and Martin Leyva Godoy to understand how our product has helped the company. As the head of influencer marketing at GroupM, Camilla disclosed one of the biggest challenges they faced when they began operation.

They discovered that paying their influencers in Sweden after a job well done was more complicated than they thought. They needed an easy and quick way to pay without incurring extra administrative load, leaving no room for errors and inconsistencies.

Fortunately, Gigapay was there for the rescue. In her words, Gigapay has been an enormous time saver, even allowing them to process their invoices on a campaign basis instead of monthly like they used to do before Gigapay helped them. So we dug for more, and they happily engaged us in this fun interview.

1. Can you explain what inefficiencies you had in your process before using Gigapay?

The process required an extensive amount of time for team members, partly in instructing creators on how to set up payment details and guiding them in the process, which was perceived as complicated on repeated occasions for several individuals.

The process before also led to friction with creators. Gigapay saves us an extensive amount of time, and creators are happy with the easy process, which grants them several different payment methods. Still, it's also easy for them to navigate and receive payment on time.

2. Can you explain how Gigapay has improved your process?

Gigapay has been a huge time saver for The Goat Agency– GroupM's influencer platform. The option that Gigapay allows us to process invoices, in our case on a campaign basis, instead of only monthly gives The Goat Agency campaign managers full responsibility for their campaigns. 

Previously by the end of the month, one team member had to ensure and confirm that all payments for several campaigns were indeed correct. If any inconsistencies were found, this could lead to additional time spent reaching out to creators/delays in payment, etc. Fortunately, this is no longer an issue thanks to Gigapay.

3. What is the best part of using Gigapay, and what do you like the most about Gigapay?

The best part is that it's fast, gives the people we work with multiple options on how to receive payment, and significantly decreases the administrative work we've previously had to do regarding creator payments. As a result, we're happier, and so are our influencers!

The best is also the team at Gigapay; they're quick to reply and are open and responsive to feedback, and it's a joy working with the Gigapay team.

4. Who would you recommend to use Gigapay and why?

Anyone working in the influencer space, brands, IM agencies should consider Gigapay if they want to save time and resources. Not only will Gigapay help make payments easier and faster, but they also ensure you stay compliant, with taxes and benefits covered.

So, if you're often collaborating with influencers and content creators, you might want to take a look at our payment system. Feel free to book a demo and we'd be excited to show you how it works :)

Ready to start using Gigapay?