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Take A Look At Why Adrecord Chooses Gigapay

Adrecord is an affiliate network that was founded in late 2009 here in Sweden. Like many of our clients, they needed a new way to pay.

October 2022
Case Study

Adrecord was founded in late 2009, but it was only at the beginning of October 2010 that the affiliate network was launched in Sweden. Through its refined product, it works with both influencers and affiliates on the same platform.

Like many of our customers, they needed an easier and faster way to pay their talents after an incredible job. And that was how Gigapay entered the equation.

We wanted to know what drove their decision to integrate our payment system, and our findings were intriguing. We got in touch with Linus Wickberg, the CEO of Adrecord AB, and he was excited to indulge us in this fun interview.

We hope you enjoy the conversation :)

1. Hi Linus, what kind of business do you run?

We are an affiliate & influencer network allowing eCommerce to collaborate with affiliates and influencers on the same platform. Our model is performance-based, which means that our advertisers (eCommerce) only pay for results, which can be a lead, or a purchase, e.g., We also do a lot of Influencer collaborations where the result often is some post on the influencer's social media.

2. What was it like before you had our product?

We did have a similar service like you offer, but that had a bit higher cost and was not that user-friendly - we did get more questions, and the sign-up process for our users was a bit more complicated. 

3. What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our payment system, and how is your payout process now?

We are always looking to make fast and smooth payments to our affiliates and influencers and ensure that everything is by the book. The user experience is significant for us, and automating the process and the response from our users regarding Gigapay is excellent. 

You are solving those issues for us - making tax payments correctly, having fast payments to our users, having a great API with excellent documentation, and being very solution-oriented if anything pops up.

4. What sold you on implementing our payment system?

Actually, the main reason was the cost; you had a lower fee which did make us move forward. Afterward, we are thrilled we did, but the fact that you are a tech company and your API helped in the decision making process.

5. How has your business been impacted since starting to use our system?

You've helped us deliver faster payments and a smoother onboarding process to our affiliates and influencers that today don't have their own company. We feel that Gigapay is very user friendly and is very appreciated by our users.

6. If you had to choose one, what would be your favorite feature? How has it made your life easier?

We do love the super fast payment. In our platform, you can, with a click of a button, get your earned money into your bank account in just a minute.

7. Based on your experiences using our payment system, do you have any results to tell us about?

We do notice fewer questions from our users regarding the onboarding; also, with the fast payments, there are no questions like "when will I receive my money?" which could be earlier from the time the payment was initiated until the money arrives in the user's bank account.

8. What would you do if you would no longer use Gigapay?

Well, we would need to find another solution for what you are doing or build one ourselves. But, it would be very sad if we couldn't use your services in the future.

9. How did your influencers get paid before, and how is it now?

The biggest difference for our users is that onboarding is effortless because you verify with BankID and the time from initiated payment until the user has the money in their bank account. 

10. How do you think Gigapay is impacting your relationships with Influencers?

No doubt that it has strengthened our relationships with our Affiliates and Influencers. Our users are expecting us to be able to make fast and easy payments, so this is a no-brainer.

11. To whom would you recommend using Gigapay, and why?

I would recommend Gigpay to anyone who needs a partner who manages salary payments and is looking for a service that is easy to use and with great people to help you out. However, which is unusual nowadays :)

12. Was there anything we could have done differently?

That is not what I can think of right now. We have been partners for a pretty long time, and of course, your service has developed since the start, and you are always open to our feedback.

13. How do you think Gigapay has revolutionized the payout business in Sweden?

Gigapay has definitely made it easier for us to process payments to our users that work as a smaller affiliate or influencer by taking care of all the "paperwork" for our users and also with the great API solution that Gigapay offers us. We save a lot of time by using Gigapay.

14. In one sentence, how would you describe your overall experience?

I'm super happy with Gigapay, and they are an important partner for making salary payments to our users super easy.

Ready to start using Gigapay?