Raiha Buchanan

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Gigateam changes

Yesterday we announced some changes to our team. Perhaps you read about it in Breakit. If you don't know about it yet - Gustav has decided to move from CEO to CTO, so he can focus on our product and technical support for expansion; while I have moved from COO to CEO. While it’s something we have discussed for a few months, it felt like the right time to let the “world” know. 

Firstly, we’re really grateful for all the support that we’ve received with this decision, both from those who know us closely, and also from those in our network. Thanks from all of us for that. 

So, what drove the team change? 

Well, if you ever get the privilege to meet Gustav, one of the first things that strike you about him, is that he’s a visionary. Really, it was his belief that we needed to create a solution that could support a sustainable future of work that brought us on this Gigapay journey together. At the same time, Gustav was quite clear from the start that one day in the future he wanted to focus more on the product and the technology to support our vision. 

From my side, it was great to spend the first months as COO and getting my hands into the business. I’ve also found that my last 8 years of Fintech experience has helped me to understand what is needed to bring a company to the next level, and we agreed that making these changes would help us propel the company to where we both want it to be. We've also made a few more changes as we focus with on-boarding new customers: Thomas will move to Head of Technical Sales, David to Head of Strategic Business Development, and Albin to Chief Architect.

We've also taken on a fantastic advisor, Per Björklund, who we had the pleasure to meet late last year. Per's experience from growing his own startup, to investing and working in large tech orgs, make him a great fit for us.

It’s with this mindset that Gustav, Albin, David, Thomas, Ludwig, and myself continue to focus on on-boarding new customers and tweaking our product for expansion, with the intention of taking on capital in Q2.

If you have any thoughts or feedback I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me directly -


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