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Top 3 Tips to Learn From Alicia Pierrou

There's a lot to unpack when it comes to influencer marketing. Alicia Pierrou shares incredible tips to aid your journey.

Raiha Buchanan
October 2022

The influencer marketing industry is changing rapidly. The things that worked six months ago might not be obtainable today. At the Influencer Marketing Summit, Raiha Buchanan, the CEO, and co-founder of Gigapay had the opportunity to converse with Alicia Pierrou, Partner at Massfluencer, which positions themselves as the world's most advanced full-service influencer marketing platform. She was able to share some tips to aid your influencer marketing efforts. We hope you find these tips helpful.

1. Understanding Your Marketing Goal

For a successful influencer marketing campaign, it is important first to understand your goal, your target audience, who you are trying to talk to and in which way, and what you want them to do after seeing your post. It is also essential to focus on data to find the right influencer to work with.

And when you find an influencer you trust, you must give them creative freedom. For instance, you shouldn't focus only on showcasing your product; instead, hand over your brand and allow them to do whatever they want. That will be the perfect guidelines for your influencer to create unique content for your brand.

As a bonus tip, Alicia recommends running paid ads alongside your influencer's post for more exposure.

2. Focus On Data

In Alicia's words, they focus more on data at Massfluencer, and this data is what helps attain success in influencer marketing. For instance, Massfluencer has data on over 100M influencers worldwide. So instead of focusing on follower count, they focus on what they are talking about, the engagement rate on sponsored posts, and, most importantly, finding out if an influencer is reaching the right audience.

According to Alicia Pierrou, working with an influencer with the wrong audience is a common mistake. For example, if you're looking to reach young girls to market your makeup brand, a makeup influencer with over 80% male followers is dead on arrival. In this case, you're targeting the wrong audience, and you might not get value for your marketing efforts.

Another common mistake is dealing with influencers with fake or bought followers. As a marketer, you need to determine how much reach your influencers are achieving on their stories and posts. For example, if they are reaching only 20% of their followers, it proves they have an inactive community, which could be a pointer that they bought followers.

3. Which Platform, TikTok or Instagram?

If you're at a crossroads, wondering if you should focus on TikTok or Instagram for your influencer marketing, you're not alone. According to Alicia, you first need to understand your target audience and where they spend their time online.

They could be hanging out on TikTok, Instagram, or perhaps Facebook, even though it is the least trending platform at the moment. Understanding who your target audience is and where they are makes your marketing effort a whole lot easier.

For instance, TikTok is one of the fastest-growing methods, with an insane engagement rate of 8 to 10%. In contrast, Instagram is a bit competitive, with an engagement rate of 2 - 3%. Furthermore, unlike popular beliefs, TikTok is not only for Gen-Z. With TikTok, your content gets a lot more exposure, even without having any followers at all.

Wrapping Up!

There's a lot to unpack when it comes to influencer marketing. Hopefully, you have learned a lot from Alicia Pierrou, especially leveraging TikTok to attain your influencer marketing goals. First, understand your marketing goals, focus on data to find the ideal influencer, and, most importantly, offer your influencers creative control. With these tips, you're on your way to conquering your industry. To listen to the full conversation, head over to Logcast and tap play :)

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