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The Best International Payouts Built for the Creator Economy

In a recent study, LinkedIn found that 83% of SMBs believe that creators have greatly helped their businesses grow forward. However, the main dilemma they face is figuring out the best international payout for creators overseas. But before diving into the best creator payments for talents across the border, let's look at the common challenges brands face when they want to pay influencers or creators overseas.

November 2022
Creator Economy

In a recent study, LinkedIn found that 83% of SMBs believe that creators have greatly helped their businesses grow forward. However, the main dilemma they face is figuring out the best international payout for creators overseas.

For instance, if your brand wants to work with a diverse roster of talent, they won't all be Swedes, right? And certainly wouldn't be paid through the same means as Sweden-based creators.

When going international, you have a lot to combat, such as compliance with foreign country rules, which is often a drag for most brands. However, a global payout for creators can help ease your responsibilities while saving you penalties and maintaining your credibility as a brand.

In the same way, it will give your creators an assurance of rightly paid and work satisfaction, making them more likely to work with you in the future. But before diving into the best creator payments for talents across the border, let's look at the common challenges brands face when they want to pay influencers or creators overseas.

Challenges Faced While Paying Creators Abroad

  1. Compliance with foreign country rules

Every country has its own set of rules and taxations, and when you're working with international talents, you need to comply with the local laws or face financial penalties. Since every country is different, you will need a pair of expert hands to help you scale through without breaking any rules.

  1. Dealing with different payment schedules

If you're working with different influencers, freelancers or creators, each will have its contract terms, agreed payment terms, and schedules. Manually keeping track of these details can be cumbersome, not to mention the processing delays when trying to pay foreign creators abroad.

  1. Complications of sending money across borders

When you’re looking for the best international payouts for creators, you will need a scalable, user-friendly payment system that makes your job easier. However, paying influencers or creators abroad is not as simple as sending money locally to your pal's bank account. 

That's because you will have to deal with converting every penny, not excluding the processing fees. The key, however, is finding the ideal payout system that allows you to pay your influencers or creators irrespective of where they are, or whether they have company or not.

Setting Up International Payouts For Foreign Creators

Setting up international payouts for creators varies depending on your payment mode. If you're dealing through a marketplace, the payment will be taken care of according to the platform's guidelines.

But when you're dealing with overseas creators outside of a platform arrangement or those without a company, you might need to choose the payment mode that best serves the purpose.

You could consider paying through wire transfers, money orders, cryptocurrencies, payment apps, etc.

The problem with these options is that you will need to pay your creators one after the other when working with more than one creator. This adds to your workload, not forgetting the headache of manually checking  for errors.

That is precisely why marketing networks and marketplaces like Memmo, Adrecord, Society icon, and many other platforms use Gigapay to streamline payouts to creators with or without companies, with taxes and social benefits declared.

Feel free to book a demo; we'd be excited to show you how this payment system works.

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