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Meet Anneli Alchahin, Our Newest Legal Trainee

Meet Anneli Alchahin, our newest legal trainee with a fascinating law background. In this interview, you get to know what makes her spark!

October 2022

You need to meet our newest talent, Anneli Alchahin, a legal trainee with a fascinating law background. As a student of law, she worked in different types of legal counseling and even had the opportunity to do an exchange in Rome, where she did her special courses.

If you run a business in Sweden, you'll know how crucial staying legally safe is and why an exceptional talent like Anneli is a must-have. It's our tradition to get to know our talents, so we engaged her in this quick interaction.

1. Hi Anneli, can you tell us a bit about your background?

I'm a law student at Stockholm University, starting my last semester this autumn. I started my studies directly after high school, and back then, I played basketball for several years but later decided to focus on my law studies. 

I have previously worked in different types of legal counseling, mainly directed toward individuals. Last autumn, I did an exchange in Rome where I did my special courses, which was pretty awesome!

2. How did you get to this position?

I found it on LinkedIn and thought it seemed very interesting, and I wanted to try something new and get out of my comfort zone a little bit. Also, working in a startup is very interesting, and people are always curious! 

3. What do you often like to do for fun?

I'm definitely a bookworm. I love reading, especially during summer and when I commute to work! I also work out at the gym, and since I used to play basketball, I still play and meet old teammates, etc.! Hanging out with friends and family to eat lovely food is always fun! 

4. What's your typical day like as a legal trainee?

As a legal trainee, I work closely with Erika. Sometimes it is focused on the same work for some time (legal research, for instance), but other times some random questions from the team can come up that need to be answered.

Also, some administrative tasks that need handling. So not every day is always the same. There are different areas in the law that are involved, and some questions are complex, but it's really fun when you have a solution. 

5. Do you consider yourself a dog or cat person?

Definitely a dog person! :)

6. What is your experience working with the team at Gigapay?

The team is amazing! Everyone is so smart, and they are all super kind! As a result, I feel comfortable asking questions if I don't understand something, which is very important!

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