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Decoding Deinfluencing: The Rise, Impact, and Legal Implications on Social Media

Explore the world of influencer marketing, 'deinfluencing', its legal aspects, FTC regulations, and more in Gigapay's new Legal Lingo post!

Erika Hubert
June 2023
Legal Lingo

The digital landscape has witnessed the emergence and growing popularity of 'deinfluencing' on social media. This phenomenon, while not brand new, has been gaining momentum and requires our attention. Deinfluencing serves as a counterbalance to the persuasive power of social media influencers and has potential legal implications for brands, influencers, and even followers.

Understanding Deinfluencing

Deinfluencing is a rising trend that sees influencers providing less-than-favorable reviews of products or services. This isn't necessarily about compensation for negative reviews; rather, it's a platform for influencers to share candid opinions with their followers, guiding them away from regrettable purchasing decisions.

Influencers, akin to the modern 'word of mouth', wield substantial influence over their followers' consumer habits. Their role in deinfluencing is to provide a counterbalance to the often overly positive and persuasive content typically seen on social media platforms.

The Legal Aspects of Deinfluencing

A. The Implications of Negative Reviews in Partnership or Marketing Agreements

Certain partnerships or marketing agreements explicitly prohibit influencers from posting negative reviews of a brand's products or services. These clauses may remain enforceable long after the collaboration has ended, and violation of such terms may have legal repercussions for the influencer. This presents a tricky situation, as many influencers rely on such partnerships for their livelihoods and career progression.

B. Potential Liability for False Advertising or Misleading Marketing Practices

Moreover, if an influencer revises their opinion after a paid promotion, they could potentially face liability for false advertising or deceptive marketing practices. This arises when the influencer's deinfluencing statements contradict earlier claims about a product, potentially misleading followers and breaching advertising regulations.

C. The Need for Disclosure in Compensated Deinfluencing

Deinfluencing can also be leveraged as a marketing tactic. If influencers receive compensation in any form for their posts, they must disclose this in their statements. A failure to make such disclosures can result in a violation of marketing laws and regulations.

The Impact of Deinfluencing on Brands, Consumers, and Influencers

Brands should anticipate negative reviews and strategize accordingly to safeguard their reputation and sales.

Consumers, on the other hand, should be aware of their rights when reviewing products and services online and guard against undue negative influence.

For influencers, being open and transparent about their experiences and relationships with brands is paramount to avoid potential legal issues.


In conclusion, deinfluencing demands attention from all players in the digital sphere. It's imperative to scrutinize whether a product is worth the investment, particularly in the context of influencer promotions on social media. Ultimately, the importance of honest reviews in building trust cannot be overstated.

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